Tuesday 10 September 2013

I Believe in Angels.......

Make yourself familiar with the angels, and behold them frequently in spirit; for, without being seen, they are present with you. ~St Francis of Sales

O welcome, pure-eyed Faith, white-handed Hope,Thou hovering angel, girt with golden wings!
~John Milton, Comus
Youth Guardian Angel.

Today I discover with awe the presence of my Guardian Angel , guiding me, leading me, inspiring me. Thanks dear Angel. I now realize that it is you, my constant companion, the great gift God has bestowed upon me, who has inspired me to read and study about the three Pillars of the Catholic Church. I came upto this realization when I browsed through the Opus Angelorum site. Even that browsing too was not a coincidence. Divinely inspired it is, I'm so sure.The very first step mentioned as a practical way to grow together with the Angel is to study and meditate about "the uniqueness of the Church and its Magisterium"!!! Below do I quote all the  seven steps , the practical counsels for growing with my Angel. 

Practical Counsels For Growing Together With Your Angel

Here are seven practical suggestions. Inasmuch as practical, their efficacy depends on being put into habitual practice.
1. Cultivate a great esteem for the ultimate truths of the Faith: the absolute sovereignty of God, the universal mediatorship of Jesus Christ, the uniqueness of the Church and its Magisterium, and the real presence of Christ in the Blessed Sacrament. All knowledge depends upon its reduction to first principles; all virtuous action depends upon prior knowledge. These are the first principles of the Faith which should inspire all our actions. This exercise disposes us for the Gift of Understanding.
2. Make of everything you do a sacrifice of love for GOD. Consciously live your baptismal vows, your consecrations to Our Lord and His Mother. Live and renew your alliance with your Guardian Angel, ordering all things to the glorification of the Most Holy Trinity. This exercise will dispose us for the Gift of Wisdom.
3. Conscientiously form and purify your conscience according to the guiding light of the Magisterium of the Church. Be prompt in the execution of your duties, particularly those of your state and station in life. If we are faithful in little things, greater gifts and lights will be given to us. The works of mercy are also particularly appropriate to disposing ourselves in docility to the Gift of Counsel.
4. Order your 'steps' in the footsteps of Our Lord. On the tomb of a Prior of the Order of Holy Cross was written the epitaph: "He never took a step that was not directed to the honor of God." When exhumed, they discovered that his legs were incorrupt. This may seem easy, but it is the battle against character faults, habitual venial sin, concessions to comfort, to human respect. It is the path of sincere self-discipline in which we never lose sight of the goal nor take any illicit detours. We cannot deviate from the example of Christ without losing the hand of the Angel. Hence, those who are shy of sacrifice will never develop a deep friendship with their Angel. The Cross looms on the horizon of this counse, which disposes us for the Gift of Science, the science of the Life of Christ.
5. Make an effort to be genuinely kind and patient. Kindness is the trait of generous love that willingly exceeds the demands of justice. Hence, it is a divine virtue. Patience, 'hard thing,' is literally the willingness to suffer. The LORD said to St. Catherine of Siena: "Divine charity is so closely joined in the soul with perfect patience, that neither can leave the soul without the other. For this reason (if the soul choose to love Me) it should choose to endure pains for Me in whatever mode or circumstance I may send them. Patience cannot be proved in any other way than by suffering, and patience is united with love as has been said" (Dialogues, 'On Providence'). Since the Angel is commissioned to lead us to perfection, there can be no sustained collaboration nor any significant intimacy with him except we be resolved to cultivate these virtues in us, which dispose us for the Gift of Fortitude.
6. Walk constantly in the presence of God and your Angel. This cultivates in us the habit of recollection, of holy reverence. Only those who are habitually aware of the presence of God can spontaneously judge all things in the light of eternal values. This state of recollection, the foundation of the spiritual life, is an habitual state of contact, of conversation with the Guardian Angel. To acquire it we need the humility and readiness to start over hundreds of times each day. This exercise will dispose us for the Gift of the Fear of the Lord.
7. Rejoice in the Love of the Father, in Christ's personal love for you, in the sanctifying, loving presence of the Holy Spirit. Reflect frequently upon our Lord's love for you, upon His insatiable thirst to be able to communicate Himself more perfectly to you. Let your heart be enkindled with the Love of Mary, your Mother, and the love of your Guardian Angel. Consider that only you can satisfy their thirst for your love. There are no substitutes for a flaming heart. It cannot be held back, it will accomplish great works in the fiery love of the Gift of Godliness.

We should pray to the angels, for they are given to us as guardians.  ~St Ambrose

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